Number 265
Category errata
Synopsis 9.2.2: misc editorial fixes
State lrmdraft
Class errata-simple
Arrival-DateJan 17 2003
Release 2001b: 9.2.2, 5.4.1(2)

1. In paragraph preceding Example 4 ("The order of the execution of distinct
nonblocking assignments to a given variable shall be preserved"), add a
reference to 5.4.1, and a reference from there to 9.2.2.

2. In last comment of example preceding Example 6, delete word "endmodule" at
end of line.

3. At the same time, rearrange the comments in that example (indentation, line
breaks) to be much more readable and orderly.

4. At the same time, call this Example 6, and change the next one from Example 6
to Example 7.

5. At the same time, rename the modules in Examples 4-7 in order from "multiple"
to "multiple4".

6. At the same time, fix the boxes in the figure preceding Section 9.3.


In 9.2.2:

1.In paragraph preceding Example 4 ("The order of the
execution of distinct nonblocking assignments to a given
variable shall be preserved"), add a reference to 5.4.1(2),
and a reference from 5.4.1(2) to 9.2.2.

2. In last comment unnamed of example preceding Example 6,
delete word "endmodule" at end of line.

3. Rearrange the comments in that same example (indentation,
line breaks) to be much more readable and orderly. Also, the
top of the first line in the example is slightly cut off,
fix it.

4. Rename this as Example 6, and change the next one from
Example 6 to Example 7.

5. Rename the modules in Examples 4 to 7 in
order from "multiple" to "multiple4".

6. Fix the boxes in the figure preceding Section 9.3.

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