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Number 372
Category errata
Synopsis 13: Errata on Verilog configurations
State open
Class errata-discuss
Arrival-DateJun 26 2003
Originator Hemant Gupta <>
Release 2001b: 13.1-13.4

I would like to submit the following errata on Verilog Configs.


Section 13.1
1. The LRM does not mention about configuring instance arrays and
generated instantiations. Also, as per the BNF (Syntax 13-6), it is
illegal to configure an element of an instance array/generate block
because "inst_name" can contain "instance_identifier", only.

2. It can be clarified, if a instance configured by a configuration
can be bound to a Verilog module/macromodule/config or can it be
bound to a Verilog primitive cell, too. Similarly, can an instance,
whose cell name is that of a primitive, be configured, so as to be
bound to a Verilog module/macromodule/config. eg As per BNF (Syntax
13-1), the following is illegal because "buf" is not a
instance top.i1 use buf;

Section 13.2
1. The BNF(Syntax 13-2) refers to -incdir which is not defined in
the LRM. It seems to refer to the directories to be searched for a
filename specified in the "file_path_spec". If yes, then if the
"file_path_spec" is a relative/absolute path, then is it a warning/
error to specify -incdir.

2. It can be clarified if a Verilog comment /*...*/ can be embedded
in a "file_path_spec". If yes, then it cannot be distinguished if,
eg. ./*.vg*/, has embedded comments or a path with wildcards. An
option can be to mandate the quoting of "file_path_spec" so that it,
also, consistent with Syntax 19-6 for `include.

Section 13.3
1. The BNF (Syntax 13-4) does not mandate a semi-colon after the
config_rule_statement. Given the syntax of other configuration
statements, namely, config and design_statement, it would be
consistent to have a semi-colon as the terminating character for
the config_rule_statement, too.

2. It can be clarified that there can be only one design_statement
per configuration and there can be multiple top-level modules.

3. It can be clarified that the term selection clause refers to the
"inst_clause" and "cell_clause". Similarly, the term expansion
clause can be clarified to refer to the "liblist_clause" and

4. If it has been determined, at the end of binding phase, that a
selection clause is not used, because the corresponding inst_name/
cell_identifier is non-existent, then should it be a warning or an
error or should it be silently skipped. The same can be extended to
the case where more than one inst_clause/cell_clause configure
the same instance/cell.

5. The preference between inst_clause and cell_clause can be
clarified. Ideally, the inst_clause should be preferred over a

6. Also, consider a case where cell "foo" is bound to instance "a1"
using the inst_clause, "instance a1 cell foo". Now, if there is,
also, a cell_clause corresponding to cell "foo" (cell foo use aLib.
bar), then should the cell clause be followed after the inst_clause
has been followed, so as bind cell "bar" to instance "a1". If not,
then this can be clarified with respect to Section, "...
the selection rule applies to any instance which is bound..."

7. It seems that the sentence in Section, "liblists are
inherited hierarchically downward as instances are bound." needs to
be clarified. Does it mean that if the parent has been configured
through a liblist (either liblist following the selection clauses
or default clause) the liblist will be inherited? Also, does the
inherited liblist get "appended" to liblist following the selection
clauses as well as the default clause?

8. Again, as per Section, "If no library list clause is
selected, or the library list is empty,...(i.e.,the parent cell's
library." Does the phrase "no library list clause" include the
inherited liblist which is "appended" to the liblist clause
following the selection clause.

Consider the following configuration statements with respect to
points 7 and 8 above-

default liblist aLib;
cell foo liblist gateLib;

Now, if the inherited liblist contains "rtlLib" and the cell being
configured, "foo", does not exist in either "gateLib" or "rtlLib",
should the library search order be gateLib->rtlLib->aLib->rtlLib.
And, if the parent cell' library is "bLib" should the library
search order be gateLib->rtlLib->aLib->rtlLib->bLib or should bLib
not be searched because a library list clause has been "selected",
though not bound.

9. If an instance name being configured matches an inst_clause and
if the corresponding cell, specified by the use_clause, is not found
then whether it should be a warning/error or should the inst_clause
be simply skipped silently. The same should apply to the cell_clause

10. In case of hierarchical configurations, it can be clarified
that if a configuration is bound to a subsection of the design by
another configuration, then whether it should be a warning/error or
not, if the sub-configuration has more than one design top modules
in the design clause.

Section 13.4
1. In Section 13.4.4, "In the single-pass use-models, the the
rest of the source files" may not be true for hierarchical configs.
A user would need to specify a configuration name to distinguish it
from, possibly, sub-configurations in the same file.


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