Minutes from the Errata Task Force Conference Call November 3,


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aaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Steven Sharp
aapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a*aa Karen Pieper
aa-a----a--aa-aa--a-$aa Cliff Cummings
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=-a Shalom Bresticker
a--a-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Stefen Boyd
-----a--aaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Dennis Marsa
aaaaaa-aaaaa-aaa-aaa$aa James Markevitch
--aaaa-aa-a-aaaaaaa-=-a Gordon Vreugdenhil
---aaa--aaa-aa-aaaaa$aa Anders Nordstrom
----------------aaa-$a- Ted Elkind
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a*a- Brad Pierce
aaaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaa*a- Charles Dawson
aaaa-aa-a---aa-a-aa-$a- Mike McNamara
aa--aa-aaaaaaaaaa---*aa Stu Sutherland
aaa--a--------------*a- Tom Fitzpatrick
--------------------*aa Elliot Mednick
-a-a-------aa---------- Don Mills
--aaaa-----a----------- Jay Lawrence
-aa-------a------------ Mehdi Mohtashemi
a--aaaa--aa------------ Kurt Baty
-----a----------------- David Smith
aaaa-a----------------- Dennis Brophy
aaaaa------------------ Francoise Martinolle
aaa-------------------- Drew Lynch
-a--------------------- David Roberts
a---------------------- Ennis Hawk

a attended
p proxy
- absent

Everyone was reminded to see the IEEE web site for the IEEE 
discussion guidelines.

Minutes of the last meeting.  Shalom moves that we accept 
the minutes of the last meeting.  James seconds.  No opposed.
No abstain.  Passes.

Action Items:

(10/06/03) Brad will file a new issue for the def_param change 
associated with issue 226.
Done.  Filed as issue 493.

(4/21/03) 9:  Gord to determine a location of the proposal in
        conference with Cliff.
	Cliff sent in the proposal more than a week ago.

(7/14/03) 16: Shalom volunteered to drive.  He needs to formulate
        wording to improve what is there according to the
        Also, he wants to formulate a possible problem and get
        reaction before he gets a formal proposal.
	No progress.

(11/18/02) Gord and committee to return with a generate proposal
        for 17, 113, 208, 255.

        Gord sent an initial draft of a bunch of text.  He has 
        received some feedback, and it will take some work to 
        incorporate it.

	Shalom asked Gord and got a mail from him.  He is too 
	busy to work on it right now.  It will be 3 or 4 weeks
	before he will have time to work on it.  Steven will 
	try to find someone to write stuff up.  Gord indicates
	that this is out of the scope of his job.

(10/06/03) 73:  Steven to update the proposal
Brad made a proposal.

(11/18/02) Steven and committee to return with an @* proposal for
        issues 22, 82, 84
        Group has agreement on some of the more contentious

(11/18/02) Evaluating TBD Errata.  The tasks are:

         165 13.11.1, A.2.1.1 -- reuse task_port_type
         170 formatting of bnf non-terminals  - Shalom sent
                one stage before a proposal
		    Shalom will take these

(11/4/02) Steven will proposing a wording to fix 172.  It will be
        significant rewrite.
	No Progress.

(8/11/03) 175: Anders volunteered to drive
This issue also came up in the Accellera SV-BC committee.

We should form a group to drive all configurations issues
to a resolution.  Cliff might be willing to drive this in
a few more meetings.  We'll wait to start this until later.
Cliff would be ecstatic if someone else volunteered.

(11/18/02) Evaluating TBD Errata.  The tasks are:

        197 sscanf/"string" incompatibility

                No progress.

(11/18/02) 198: Shalom Evaluating TBD Errata.  The tasks are:
        198 sinks should allow only constant part-selects
                Shalom will make the smaller change to allow port
                expressions to be what is allowed on the lhs of a
                continuous assignment.

        Shalom postponing this one because in section 12 talking 
	about port connections, it talks about what you can have
	on the receiver side of a port connection (a structural
	net expression).  In section 5 it talks about how a port
	connection is an implied continuous assignment.  In 
	section 6 there is a description of the lhs of a
	assignment; this is very limited.  After recent updates, 
	the BNF for a net lvalue can also be an element of an 
	array of wires;  this is reasonable for a continuous 
	assignment.  For ports, the situation is more
	The structural net expression has not been expanded to 
	allow the BNF changes.

	Steven recommends that it be a net lvalue.

	Shalom is concerned that this is an enhancement.  We took
	a straw poll and no one wanted to deal with it as an 

(7/14/03) 204: James volunteered to drive

        He needs input on what the simulators do.  There are some
        complex issues here dealing with port collapsing and
        That is covered by issue 54.  

        As to the exact issue in 204, how about adding examples
        indicating that examples 2, 3, 4 are illegal?  James will
        do that.

	He has not written this up yet.  Shalom suggested that 
	this and 7 other errata be evalutated together.  All of 
	the issues are Brad's (filed by him?)  He does not want
	drive.  James will develop a proposal for all of them 
	including 204.  204, 227, 233, 234, 292, 332, 345, 452, 

(7/14/03) 209: Shalom volunteered to drive
Proposal exists.

(7/14/03) 211: James volunteered to drive

        localparams are not available for override.
	Proposal exists, not through the server yet.  Shalom
	has amended it, and James agrees to the amendments.

(7/14/03) 225: Anders volunteered to drive

        proposal exists.

(7/14/03) 226: Brad volunteered to drive
VSG passed.

(7/14/03) 227: Anders volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 233: Anders volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 234: Anders volunteered to drive

(2/10/03)  Issue 237:   SV-BC19-41, SV-BC19-42
        Dave Roberts and Shalom to fix the proposal expanding the
	BNF and creating language to support it.

	No progress.  Shalom has not heard from Dave Roberts.

(7/14/03) 245: Shalom volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 247: Anders volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 257: Shalom has been volunteered to drive
Proposal exists.

(7/14/03) 258: Brad volunteered to drive
Waiting on Shalom.
Proposal exists.

(10/06/03) 283: Brad will update the proposal
Proposal updated.

(10/06/03) 428: Brad will update the proposal based upon Shalom's

(11/3/03)  Shalom has the action to add an issue for the 
situation where you need a hierarchical reference that 
allows an array of scopes.  This is a follow on from issue

(11/3/03)  Shalom will open an issue on parameters and signing
reflecting issues raised in 441.

Issues with Proposals:
9:  Friendly amendment to update the paragraph to:
If the width of the right-hand side (RHS) expression is 
larger than the width of the left-hand side (LHS) in an 
assignment, the MSBs of the RHS expression will always 
be discarded to match the size of the LHS. Implementations 
are not required to warn or report any errors related to 
        assignment size-mismatch or truncation. Truncating the 
	sign bit of a signed expression may change the sign of

	Cliff moves we accept the proposal as modified.  Stu 
	seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

73:  In case there are other places we need to fix this, we need
to open another issue to remind us to go look for other
places.  James will scan the document to look for places
that might have a problem and file another issue.  Stu
checked this during the meeting, and there are no 
additional places, so there is no action remaining.

Brad moves that we accept this proposal.  Shalom seconds.
No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

209:  Shalom has the action to add an issue for the situation 
where you need a hierarchical reference that allows an
array of scopes.

Steven moves that we accept this proposal. Shalom seconds.
No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

257:  Shalom moves that we accept this proposal.  Steven seconds.
No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

225:  At the end of section 12.3.3, add an example:
module mixed_direction (.p({a, e}));
input a;// p contains both input and output directions
output e;

Karen moves that we accept the above proposal.  Stu seconds.
No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

237:  We are still waiting on Dave Roberts.

258:  Brad moves we accept the proposal.  Shalom seconds.  No
opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

283:  Brad moves that we accept this proposal.  James seconds.
No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

428:  Brad will work on the proposal some more.

439:  Shalom moves that we accept the proposal.  Cliff seconds.
No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

441:  Shalom indicates that there is an issue for parameters as
well.  Shalom will open an issue on parameters as well.

Brad moves we accept this proposal.  Stu seconds.  No
opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

470:  Brad moves we accept this proposal.  Steven seconds.  No
opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

493:  Brad moves that we accept this proposal.  Shalom seconds.
Cliff is opposed.  James abstains.  Passes.

We need committee members to look at open issues and voluteer

Meeting adjourned at 10:30.

Next meeting of the ETF is scheduled for December 1st, at 8:30 am.