Meeting called to order 8:30 June 28, 2004 


000000111000000000000111110000 \
654321210987654433211221109998 / Month 
200001000011112021121101022002 \ 
835892136814691740073628413996 / Day 

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Steven Sharp 
aaaa-aaaapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a*aa Karen Pieper 
aaa-aaaaa-a----a--aa-aa--a-$aa Cliff Cummings 
aa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=-a Shalom Bresticker 
aa-aaaaa--a-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Stefen Boyd 
-----a------a--aaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Dennis Marsa 
aa--a-aaaaaaa-aaaaa-aaa-aaa$aa James Markevitch 
---------aaaa-aa-a-aaaaaaa-=-a Gordon Vreugdenhil 
----------aaa--aaa-aa-aaaaa$aa Anders Nordstrom 
-----------------------aaa-$a- Ted Elkind 
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a*a- Brad Pierce 
-aaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaa*a- Charles Dawson 
-aaaa-aaaaa-aa-a---aa-a-aa-$a- Mike McNamara 
aaaaaaaaa--aa-aaaaaaaaaa---*aa Stu Sutherland 
-a-a-aaaaa--a--------------*a- Tom Fitzpatrick 
---------------------------*aa Elliot Mednick 
a----a--a-a-------aa---------- Don Mills 
---------aaaa-----a----------- Jay Lawrence 
------a-aa-------a------------ Mehdi Mohtashemi 
----a--a--aaaa--aa------------ Kurt Baty 
------------a----------------- David Smith 
---aa--aaaa-a----------------- Dennis Brophy 
a-aaaaaaaaaa------------------ Francoise Martinolle 
------aaaa-------------------- Drew Lynch 
----a---a--------------------- David Roberts 
-------a---------------------- Ennis Hawk 
aaaaa-a----------------------- Ronald Goodstein
------a----------------------- Keith Gover 
---aaa------------------------ Jason Woolf 
aa---------------------------- Alec Stanculescu
-a---------------------------- Steven Dovitch
a----------------------------- Geoffrey Coram

a attended
p proxy
- absent

The chair directed everone's attention to where a link to the IEEE
policy was reviewed.

Review of the minutes of the last ETF meeting (May 3, 2004).
Steven Sharp moves that we accept the minutes of the meeting.  Ron
seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.


Generate proposal:  The generate proposal was passed by the VSG in 
the last meeting.  Future amendments will be done as separate 
issues.  There is also a separate issue of 12.8 to resolve the 
issue for multiple possible resolutions for hierarchical names in
generate with a defparam.  Steven Sharp will file the issue.

There were a few improvements and clarifications that Gord and 
others wanted to make.  Shalom can file the issues.

ETF proposals:
Issue 2:  Shalom moves that we close issue 2 as resolved by the 
generate proposal.  Steven seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain.

Issue 17:  Jason has suggested adding a note to the rule.  Gord
liked it, but suggested slightly different wording.  Jason
merged the two.

Shalom can do it.

Issue 16:  
After the line in the proposal: "However, only white space 
may appear on the same line as the `line directive. "
Comments are not allowed on the same line
as a 'line directive.

James moves that we accept the proposal as modified.  
Cliff seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

Issue 237:
Shalom has collected some data on implementations.  There 
is significant variation.  We have no driver for the issue 
at this time.  We will move the issue back to the open state.

Issue 557:
Cliff moves that we accept the proposal.  Shalom seconds.
No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

Issue 586:

In 9.5, before the NOTE, AFTER 
  The length of all the case item expressions, as well as the 
  case expression in the parentheses, shall be made equal to 
  the length of the longest case expression and case item 
  If any of these expressions is unsigned, then all of them 
  are treated as unsigned. If all of these expressions are 
  signed, then they are treated as signed. 

  Steven moves that we accept the above proposal.  Shalom
  seconds.  No opposed.  Alec abstains.  Passes.

82:(always @*) We discussed possible solutions:

1) Stick to the LRM, add only identifiers to the sensitivity
list (no looking inside functions)  A wait on an
entire array is equivalent to an entire array

2) Use option 1, but allow optimization to support subsets
of arrays.  Combinational logic would behave the 
same in this case.

3) Match SV always_comb's inferred sensitivity, 
   longest static prefix, going into functions...
   Note that the once through feature of always_comb
   cannot be supported.

   Straw poll for support of features:
   1: James, Steven, Alec
   2: Steven, Don
   3: Stu, Cliff, Don, Shalom, Karen, Brad

   Due to lack of leadership, we will defer action on this one.

Open Action Items:

(12/1/03) 22:  There is no concensus to a fix, so we will leave
this issue alone until there is one.

(12/1/03) 33:  Mike MacNamera to make a proposal.

(11/18/02) @* proposal for issues 82, 84
        The group concensus is to move always @* sensitivity inference
	to match always_comb.  

	There is currently no one to drive a proposal.

(11/18/02) Evaluating TBD Errata.  The tasks are:

         170 formatting of bnf non-terminals

(11/4/02) Steven will proposing a wording to fix 172.  It will
        be a significant rewrite.
        Partially rewritten through the generate proposal.  More
	work will remain after the generate proposal is ready.

(11/18/02) 198, 254, 58, 318: Shalom

(7/14/03) 204: James volunteered to drive

        He needs input on what the simulators do.  There are some
        complex issues here dealing with port collapsing and
        That is covered by issue 54.

        As to the exact issue in 204, how about adding examples
        indicating that examples 2, 3, 4 are illegal?  James will

        do that.

        He has not written this up yet.  Shalom suggested that
        this and 7 other errata be evalutated together.  All of
        the issues are Brad's (filed by him?)  He does not want
        drive.  James will develop a proposal for all of them
        including 204.  204, 227, 233, 234, 292, 332, 345, 452,

(2/10/03)  Issue 237:   SV-BC19-41, SV-BC19-42
        Dave Roberts and Shalom to fix the proposal expanding the
        BNF and creating language to support it.

        Is waiting on Shalom to do some experiments and come up 
	with a proposal based on the discussion of the 2/8/04 

	Shalom ran the experiments.  There is no driver so we 
	move this back to the open state.

(7/14/03) 245: Shalom
(7/14/03) 247: May be partially covered by generate proposal

(10/06/03) 428: Brad and Shalom


The meeting adjourned a little after 10:30 Pacific time with
Cliff's movement.